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Twilight Trees, an LED tree and faux-foliage supplier to the event industry, has announced the launch of Living Spaces; a series of 1 m-wide screens to create protective zones in indoor spaces.

The launch marks a pivot from the company from the event industry to the hospitality sector, as Twilight Trees anticipate that the screens will be in high demand by operators in the sector as they prepare to re-open.

Founder and creative director of Twilight Trees, Susie Reid Thomas said: “As the hospitality industry gets ready to re-open when lockdown lifts, careful space-planning will be paramount to balance operators’ economic needs with both legal requirements and the potential nervousness of customers. What everyone needs right now is a confidence boost – both psychologically and functionally.”

The screens can be used independently or in flush-fitting rows, serving either as branded wayfinding/information devices or as table/spatial dividers to create protective zones around diners and leisure-space users.

Reid Thomas added: “Our conversations with operators tell us that they are looking for solutions that will allow them to re-open, whilst inspiring confidence in customers and without killing the look and atmosphere of their interiors. Our new Living Spaces™ range, which includes both printed and higher-end, foliage-filled glass box screens, ticks all those boxes and more.

“The screens answer safety concerns, whilst at the same time allowing businesses to be front-facing and ready to go at short notice, by using aesthetically-pleasing interventions that don’t impact on existing space and enable greater numbers of covers, given that our conversations with operators suggest a loss of up to 58 per cent of covers without a workable solution. Customers, meanwhile, will be given an instant feeling of confidence right from the front door.

“By collaborating on this innovation with both a highly-regarded team and utilising a UK supply chain, Twilight Trees have created a substantial production capacity. We have already received strong demand for these products.”