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Charity The Loop has received a grant from the Events Industry Forum (EIF) which will enable the delivery of more training on harm reduction and drug awareness to people working in all areas of the outdoor events industry. 

As a result of the grant, which will enable subsidy of The Loop’s training costs, the charity has appointed Adam Waugh as its first training coordinator. In his first weeks in the role, Waugh has recruited eight new trainers from The Loop’s volunteer pool.

The Loop has expertise in harm reduction, developed through its drug checking and testing services, and associated research and evidence building.

The Loop CEO Katy Porter said, “We recognise the importance of harm reduction related to potential risks associated with drug use, and are pleased that more people working in the industry will be equipped with understanding and tools to assist in keeping people safe at many different kinds of events throughout the UK.”

The Loop said it will continue to expand its offer to increase and improve harm reduction provision, including the development of drug-checking services, training, and research in this area of expertise, and working with partners such as EIF.