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Creative reps agency Propela has announced that the talks series The Future Of_ will be taking place during London Design Week on 20 September.

The Future Of_ has been curated and produced by Propela to showcase the next generation of thought leaders through a live dragons-den style pitch. Post-graduate students are set to pitch their futuristic projects to the audience for a cash prize.

This year’s finalist students include Maria Apud Bell from Royal College of Art, Martina Rocca from Central St Martins, and Lucy Hardcastle from the Royal College of Art.

 “The theme of the event is because artists and designers are using facts and scientific results from today and are putting them into the future,” said Deborah Rey-Burns, founder of The Future Of_ and director at Propela.
Rey-Burns continued: “If we want advances to happen, we need to get the right people in the room. We have brands like Samsung, Loréal and Google attending. The room will be full of people who can make this happen. That is why we are doing it.”
The event brings together artists, futurists, and designers to discuss the themes of wellness, nature, humanity, paper and consumption. Featuring WIRED Innovation fellow Rachel Wingfield, author Paula Zuccotti, TED speakers Dr Kate Stone and Natsai Audrey Chieza, and speculative architect Liam Young.