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The Royal Windsor Horse Show (RWHS) plays host to The Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration this year, which begins tonight (12 May) and ends on Sunday 15 May.

The last night will be broadcast live by ITV, with the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh and other members of the Royal Family in attendance.

Star Events’ technology will be front and centre during this broadcast, and throughout the multi-day event.

Sourcing smaller grandstand roofs for a more intimate atmosphere, organiser H Power had to find another means to support the significant weight of lighting required for the birthday broadcast.

The solution came in the shape of a ring of Star Events’ new 20m Zee-Towers (pictured) and 16m T-Towers. Strong enough to carry the 250 moving head lights and eight operated follow-spots, it holds them at the right height to hit the arena floor from behind the grandstands without impacting on sightlines. The towers’ tiny footprint was another key feature for the organiser. It meant they could slot in among other event infrastructure, preserving any useable space.

Evening performances require some 16 tons of 8m high LED screens too, which have to be out of sight during the day to leave the arena open for the RWHS, and Star Events designed and installed a system to track the middle screens to the side. The self-climbing structure was also used to lift the huge scenic element, as well as the screens, into position.

Production manager Harry Guthrie comments: “Trying to achieve maximum height, significant weight loadings and a good aesthetic was a challenging brief. Star Events’ knowledge of building on such a unique site meant it was a perfect fit to provide the neat and affordable systems H Power desired. The quick assembly time meant Star could come in and work efficiently with our other production contractors.”

Star Events project manager, Sarah Howlett, says: “We provided a redesigned Orbit Stage and the ‘showstopper’ of the package, a 35m wide LED Screen Stage as well. With so many different elements to the build, on such a sensitive site, it required highly detailed pre-planning and a strong team on the ground to deliver. Our close working relationship with H Power and the other contractors helped bring this event together, above and beyond expectations.”

Broadcast live on ITV, hosted by Ant and Dec, the Queen’s birthday performance will feature turns from a wealth of singers and players, including Dame Shirley Bassey, Gary Barlow, Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli, Kylie Minogue, Martin Clunes, Damian Lewis and Dame Helen Mirren.