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The organisers of celebrity chef Tom Kerridge’s Pub in the Park music and food festivals, Brand Events TM, has collapsed, reportedly owing £3million.

According to The Times, local councils are among the creditors owed £3million, after Brand Events TM fell into administration in June, halfway through the festival’s summer tour.

Filings for Brand Events TM showed HM Revenue & Customs was left £1 million out of pocket. Southwark Council and Warwick District Council were owed £140,000 and £14,000 respectively.

Pub in the Park was one of five festivals launched in 2017 by Brand Events TM, a joint venture between Chris Hughes and Trinity Mirror (now Reach) which owns the Mirror and Express newspapers.

Kerridge received 20% of Pub in the Park’s and owned 20% of its intellectual property. A spokesperson for Kerridge told The Times he was not a shareholder in Brand Events TM.

Brand Events TM’s parent company, Brand Events, is also made up of Brand Events Limited – a specialist in motoring events – and Redcoat Events which organisers well-being and lifestyle shows and is a joint partnership between Brand Events Ltd, Chris Evans and News UK.

Access has contacted Brand Events for a comment on what this will mean for the other entities of the business.