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Event and festival bar provider Peppermint has officially re-launched its brand experience arm Equals, following a period of rebranding and new leadership hires.

Equals has undergone a ‘complete overhaul’ and is now expanding into the wider experience economy, delivering end-to-end campaigns for its clients.

Equals’ founders Alex Brooke and Adam Hempenstall hired former Iris senior events producer Sam Booth, to take the lead as client services director for the Agency. Since the hire, Booth has transformed the team bringing onboard account director Will Woodward and event producer Kate Averill, since then they’ve delivered activations for clients including Disney, 19 Crimes, Veuve Cliquot and Jägermeister.

Sustainability is at the forefront of Equals’ vision, as they aim to help clients to create experiences with a minimal carbon footprint. This is achieved through use of sustainable materials, waste management and recycling, eco-friendly transport and recycled assets – minimising the ‘throw away’ culture often seen at events.

Equals has also seen a developing area of growth within the ‘low and no’ alcohol beverage sector, as the trend continues to see consumers adopting alcohol-free alternatives from a range of well-known brands, as well as innovative start-ups. Equals helps to ‘hold the hands’ of brands emerging into this space, backed up with Peppermint’s years of expertise, list of contacts and operational capability at events.

Sam Booth said: “We’re tapping into an area that has seen massive growth over the last few years and it’s showing no signs of slowing down. The UK experience economy is still breaking records and we’re constantly seeing more and more uptake in this sector. We have brought together a brilliant activation team, refreshed our branding and positioning and developed new sustainable event solutions for our clients, which is a massively important aspect in what we do.”

Peppermint’s co-founder Adam Hempenstall said: “We founded Equals originally to allow some of our long-standing brand partners to access events. Since then Equals has grown a reputation delivering for our clients, big and small in what can be a confusing world!

With sustainability at its core, Equals ‘2.0’ now has the experience and team to push on and deliver stand out experiences in a market that shows no signs of slowing down”