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Midas Productions has become the first temporary power company to switch to European fuel Green B+ diesel, a drop-in renewable fuel that greatly outperforms both bio and fossil diesel.

Developed in conjunction with and distributed exclusively by Green Biofuels, independent tests show that, Green B+ claims to slash NOx emissions by 27% when running at 70% of its maximum generator load. All other load settings showed comparable savings.

Green B+ advertises indefinite storage life, comparable productivity to gas oil and, containing no aromatics, requires less maintenance on the engine than both biodiesel and red diesel. It also delivers a 55% reduction in greenhouse gases against red diesel.

Sue Woodward, marketing consultant at Green Biofuels, said: “The independent results for our fuel have been truly groundbreaking. In terms of particulates emissions, a Tier 2 generator engine achieved the standard of a Tier 5 engine, without any retrofits or adaption.

“Midas has been at the vanguard of alternative fuels. It’s been very happy to test Green B+ in its generators and the Midas team is a pleasure to work with.”

David Noble, managing director at Midas Productions, added: “Green B+ is priced pretty much parallel to red diesel and its performance, and its low emissions, are remarkable. It’s the first choice for all our machines now and I’m proud that Midas’ reputation led Green Biofuels to us first.”