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By Alice Groom, Head of Client and Design Projects at Lavender Green Flowers

Over the last two years, Lavender Green Flowers has seen its business evolve. It has gone from predominantly supplying weddings and hotels to working more and more with event planners and conference organizers.

Once upon a time an event was more about the venue and the food/beverages, but as people have become more discerning, the event has had to keep up and provide more of an experience. I see floral arrangements making more of an impact on events these days -they’ve become more integral and complement the overall experience, even evoking good memories!

It’s not just a question of good food and wine anymore. Flowers can really lift an event – if the event is in some stunning architectural setting like an old museum, or equally a contemporary building, flowers can really make a grand statement and bring the best out of the surroundings.  And besides the statement they provide, in today’s climate, we find people want a sustainable element – things that are natural, fresh and seasonal.

I find that suppliers today tend to work more with each other, too. Previously the caterer or the drinks supplier would work very much independently, however, she finds it’s a real team role now. For example if the client requests a Caribbean or an English Garden theme, we have to be on the same sheet to make sure the flowers complement the drinks and the food. It’s about giving the client a real immersive experience.

But it’s not just as obvious as the theme. You would be amazed just how floral displays can enhance the food – no matter how fabulous the food is. For example, if the caterer is supplying central sharing platters, we will work with them to bring it all together.  Placing small collections of beakers or bud vases scattered around, suddenly brings the food to life – for example, Mediterranean foods work very well with items like small zinnias and herb pots.

Besides the theme, organisers want bespoke events. This is where I love to sit down with the client: a lot of people want their event to be individual and special, but don’t really know what they want. I love brainstorming ideas, throwing in suggestions, I can get quite animated and this is where my creative side really shines through.

We love to set the bench high at Lavender Green Flowers and keep abreast with what’s in vogue. Corporate events tend to call for a more contemporary feel, so we like to introduce more interior-design led ideas, for example; tall glass vases with thinner bases, cages, and frameworks surrounding the food make the table look stunning.

With today’s younger crowd and Instagram generation, it’s never been a better time to give them what they’re looking for. People want experiences they can post, they love ideas, art, food, etc., and big bold displays without branding or logos make fabulous posts!