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Chelsea’s Stamford Bridge was the venue for the launch yesterday (14 April) of the new Events are GREAT Britain marketing campaign.

The new campaign is designed to champion Britain as a business visits and events destination, as well as promoting and improving the events and hospitality sector both in the UK and overseas.

Michael Hirst OBE, vice-chair of the UK Events Industry Board (EIB), told the audience: “The objective is to tell the persuasive story as to why Britain is so great for events and why events are so great in Britain.”

The EIB, which is made up of selected representatives of the industry and chaired by Nick de Bois, is a recent creation designed to ensure that the industry’s voice is heard in government.

Hurst said: “No.10 has been instrumental in kicking this off and is where additional funding may be derived.” He added that events in Britain now were “in a league of their own”.

Chris Foy, the newly appointed head of business visits and events at VisitBritain, said: “Events are GREAT Britain is not simply a banner to wave to instil the virtues of this industry. It brings practical support, budget and commitment at a senior level in the UK and overseas.

“The support of the UK government is the result of a clear understanding that the events sector is more than just a part of the tourism industry. It can create a platform and bring jobs and money into the country.”

Events are GREAT Britain will replace the old Britain for Events campaign which had run since 2010. The new campaign will make its international debut to the industry later this month at IMEX Frankfurt, 19-21 April.