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The sixth Local Authority Events Organiser’s Group Training Conference took place earlier this month in Birmingham.

Fifty-three delegates representing 29 different local authorities attended the conference. Featured talks included Attitude is Everything’s Gideon Feldman, who highlighted how event organisers could enhance their accessibility, as well as Professor Keith Still, who discussed crowd safety and risk analysis.

The second day featured a site visit followed by a practical session considering the location and design of Birmingham’s Christmas Craft Market. This gave delegates the opportunity to have an input and provide colleagues in Birmingham with some help and ideas about how the new space should be designed to best facilitate the market alongside all the other demands on the site.

LAEOG chair Lee House, from Coventry City Council, commented: “I’m delighted with the success of the conference. The number of delegates, the quality of the programme and standard of the speakers were key to ensuring we had variety that was current and relevant to the issues faced daily by local authority events. Everybody that attended took away information and tips to apply to their every day jobs which is what LAEOG is all about.”