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At a tumultuous time for the live event industry, when insurance is more important than ever, the second in the Access Live webinar series will see chartered insurance broker Peter Tilsed provide expert advice.

Director at Luker Rowe Insurance Brokers, Tilsed has more than 30 years’ experience working with events operators. He will be interviewed by freelance event producer and director Barbara Walker. Among the topics up for discussion during the free-to-access webinar will be public liability, employer’s liability, cancellation insurance and claim payments.

Produced in partnership with the Event Production Show, the webinar will aim to provide participants with the information and confidence they need to put plans together for the future and understand what insurances will be available. Following a 30-minute interview, Tilsed will answer questions from the audience.

The webinar will commence at 11am on 4 November and will be free to access. Register here!